• All campers/staff members are required to act in such a manner that is consistent with Christian behavior.  No foul language, improper displays of affection or malicious behavior will be tolerated by staff or campers.  Malicious behavior includes verbal abuse, assault, and discussion of topics inappropriate in a Christian atmosphere, hazing, or any behavior that would be considered abusive or immoral. 
  • Campers who do not follow rules laid out by staff at the beginning of a camp or retreat session may be subject to immediate dismissal.  Leaving the camp grounds without permission or hiding from staff/going into restricted areas will result in being sent home immediately without a refund.  Campers who leave without informing the Director(s) may not be allowed back to future camps or retreats.
  • Those who are sent home for not following policies and procedures may not be allowed to return to the camp or other retreats for a period of 3-6 months depending on the severity of the offense.  Director(s) have the final say on whether or not to allow campers back to the session, and are within their rights to deny access indefinitely.
  • Suitable apparel must be worn at all times. Shorts must be mid-thigh and covering more thigh than showing. Bikinis, tank-tops, or t-shirts with foul content or see-through clothing are not allowed.  Shoes must be worn at all times when outside, and during swim time campers should wear a cover-up and shoes on their way to swim and when they return to cabins. 
  • Phone Calls by campers will only be allowed during emergencies on a staff phone with the director’s permission.   
  • Do not bring: electronics such as: cell phones, video games, computers, iPods, and electronic tablets. Also prohibited are: weapons, firearms, fireworks, valuables, tobacco, vapes.
  • If any of the previous mentioned “do not bring” items are found after registration they will be confiscated until the end of the session and the camper may be sent home without a refund.
  • Food, snacks, or drinks (other than water) are not allowed to be kept in cabins because they can attract ants.
  • Return Fee Policy:  Campers who for any reason decide not to attend the retreat/camp after paying for the retreat or camp may be given a full or partial refund under the following circumstances:
    • If a camper cancels a month before the event:  Full refund
    • If a camper cancels 3-4 weeks before the event:  50% refund
    • If a camper cancels 2-3 weeks before the event:  25% refund
    • If a camper cancels less than two weeks before the event:  No refund
  • All campers are covered by The Leadership Camp by an insurance plan in case of injury.  Insurance details can be obtained by submitting a request to us via email at leadershipcamp03@gmail.com